API function 'Retrieve Callback'

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API Call: Summary table

Summary API call URL Example
URL Model http://callmyapp.com/api/1.0/retrieve/[callback_id]/?api_key=[api_key]
Example URL http://callmyapp.com/api/1.0/retrieve/24/?api_key=abc123

API Call: Parameter table

URL Parameter Specification Value/Content
api_key Mandatory? : Yes This value of 'api_key' should be exactly the same as the 'api key' associated to your account. You can find your 'api key' in the account page after you have signed in.
callback_id Mandatory? : Yes This should be the callback_id that was generated when the callback was created.
response_format Mandatory? : No
Permitted values : [ "json" | "xml" ]
default value: "json"
Case sensitive? : Yes
'response_format' specifies in which data format the response should be sent.

API Call: Response table

response format response type description
JSON success
	"api_call_parameters":{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2" ...},
	"callback_id":[unique callback 'id', should not be assumed numeric],
	"callback":{"callback_url":[callback url],"timestamp":[timestamp],"state":[state]}
JSON error
	"error":[see Error code table for possible values]
XML success
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <callback_id>[unique callback 'id', should not be assumed numeric]</callback_id>
        <callback_url>[callback url]</callback_url>
XML error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <error>[see Error code table for possible values]</error>

API Call: Error code table

In addition to the following API function specific error codes, the response may also include the error codes defined in the Common error code table.

Error Key Significance
callback_id_absent The callback_id was not supplied in the API call
callback_id_invalid The supplied callback_id value is not a correctly formatted callback ID
callback_not_found A callback with the supplied ID was not found for the given 'api_key'